Sort tæve født 16.9.2009
Komplet tandsæt |
Black bitch born 16.9.2009
Full dentention |
Hofter A HD index pr. 22.11.2010: 121 |
Hips A
Albuer 0
Elbows 0
Øjne Optigen via forældre: Normal/clear Øjenlyst 2010 - fri
Eyes Optigen by parents: Normal/clear Eyeexamination: Clear
Udstilling 2. vinder i Åben klasse med Excellent og CK 4. vinder i mellemklasse med Excellent Tyskland: 2. vinder i mellem klasse, V2, reserve Certifikat og reserve Certifikat VDH Ch |
Shows 2. winner in open class with Excellent and Certificat quality 4. winner in Intermediate class with Excellent Germany: 2. vinner intermediate class, CAC reserve. and reserve VDH Ch |
Skue 1. vinder med excellent i mellemklasse. Bedste tæve, BIM 3. vinder med særdeles lovende, babyhvalpeklasse
Inofficial shows 1. winner with excellent i intermediateclass, BOS. 3. winner, babyclass |
Brugsprøve Bestået |
Working Certificate Passed |
Workingtest | Workingtest |
Markprøve B
Markprøve C
Field Trial (cold game) official
Field Trial (cold game) inofficial
Stamtavle |
Pedigree |
Annuals Trendsetter |
Mallorns's Romeo | USCH Visions I'm Able |
Rosanan La Rosa | ||
GBCH(U) Abbeystead Tranquill | GBCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway | |
GBCH(U) Frostfire Dawn At Abbeystead | ||
DKCH SECH(U) DEVDHCH Drumbeat Can Can |
DKCH Jayncourt Significant Star |
GBCH(U) Sandylands Gad-About |
Jayncourt Star-Blossom |
SECH(U) Etons Sebastian |
DKCH SECH INTCH DKKV02 KBHV04 Mellicmark One Caress |